The power of Technology and Innovation

Worldwide depression had a catalytic effect in pushing forward technology during the last years, in almost the entire spectrum of tech implementation, in the public as well as in the private sector. Economy in global level is more and more entangled with digital technology, in a way that they both grow and interact with each other. At the same time, the term «Techonomy» is a daily reality for every modern enterprise and the much needed restructure of the public sector now seems more visible than ever before!


Looking forward

Cyprus economy has already entered the “recovery road” – next big step will be the “acceleration period”… Important allies in this effort will be the tech ecosystems in Telecommunications and Informatics, which participate in a quite powerful way in real economy, producing in the meantime new products, new business models and new needs. Yet, how is the “brave new world”? What are the challenges we will face tomorrow? What are the new issues we have to solve, during the transition towards an all-digital environment? What are the needs, the opportunities and the challenges for Cyprus in the era of the New Digital Economy?


Restructuring the Infrastructure: Evolution or Revolution?

As the networks turn all-IP and become more and more the backbone for Informatics in a cloud environment, the borders with Telecommunications become less visible.

We could say that, in every field, there are two large categories of enterprises and organizations in the market: first, all those that offer their customers access to technologies, creating the highest possible level of acceptance and contributing to the establishment of a critical mass of users. Then, there are some others that try to evolve the current infrastructure and renew them, by embedding innovative technologies. Those roles are not always fixed and always discreet – they change, according to the current necessities and the timing for every idea, market, technology and implementation.

In this session, we will explore the interaction of these “ingredients” with the needs and the evolution, coming from the constant restructuring.


Cloudification + Internet of Things: Next Big Thing?

Cloud computing has already proved in practice that it is more than a simple way for reducing operational cost. On the contrary, more and more people believe now that it is a global platform which promotes entrepreneurship in a completely new way.

Everything as a Service takes shape day-after-day, as enterprises look for ways to transfer their needs, their problems and their dangers to specialists’ hands. Respectively, built-up specialization creates economies of scale and flexible cooperation models between providers and enterprises.

However, the most important evolution is that demand for various servicers by enterprises leads, accordingly, to synergies between the service providers, where each one of them contribute in their own filed of specialization. The goal is that the end-user should have a single point of reference with a single SLA, which will fully cover the mixture of services of his own choice, under pre-defined specifications.

Next step in technology will be signified by the providers more active involvement in the fields of Μ2Μ and Internet of Things, which will cause new interactions and opportunities in a era where customers who use only voice services are getting less and less…

Finally, in this session we will also talk about the evolution of the public sector as it embeds e-governance services, in the framework of the modernization in State-Citizens relations.


Leaders’ Summit: The next step?

During this phase of vast restructuring in Cyprus telco market new balances and models take shape.

The market leaders in the fields of Telecommunications, Informatics and Media will present their opinions on the current situation, as well as the IP transformation of ICT market, and they will provide comments on the entrepreneurial environment.

Convergence of similar but also different “ingredients” is expected to be the main subject of the discussion, as this convergence produces new opportunities and prospects.

Synergies are quite an important factor in every activity and evolution in the market, as they may result in driving content and services to the users’ hands and operate in a combined way for value-added products.


Act & Disrupt: Startup – Innovate & Upscale!

In spite of the enthusiastic reception and adoption of ICT technologies by a broad spectrum of enterprises, there is still a gap between the real economy and the value-added.

The reason for this discrepancy may be the disproportionate charge of new enterprises, due to the difficulties of finding proper financing or, simply, due to the immature entrepreneurial environment in this very market.

In this session we will examine digital reality in depth and we will search for best practices that may lead to success.

This is a special session dedicated to the new generation, to innovation, new ideas and start-ups, but also to the initiatives by big organizations that engage themselves in encouraging and promoting ideas that worth finding an easier way to the market.